…sweetie-pie happiness……..first time at the lake this year!……..

_JAS3375-WEB-boucle-at-lake _JAS3331-WEB-Boucle-at-lake _JAS3310-WEB-Boucle-at-lake _JAS3308-WEB-Boucle-at-lake _JAS3298-WEB-Boucle-at-lake

…pure sweetie-pie happiness…..

….the first time Boucle and I have visited the lake this year. It was early, and a gorgeous morning.  It felt so good.  Boucle loved running up and down and fetching sticks.  He burbled in happiness.
…  Yes he burbles when he talks and does not bark for talking, only barking if something doesn’t belong – like a C.A.T.) …
…such fun….throw the stick…..chase it…
…please throw it again Jane……..

…sweetie-pie happiness at the lake.

…first day that feels like spring…..Boucle loving it!…….


_JAS2745-WEB-Boucle-stretch-with-ball-2 _JAS2729-WEB-Boucle-with-wind _JAS2708-WEB-Boucle-with-wind

_JAS2764-WEB-Boucle-with-ballBoucle and I had a wonderful lunch hour yesterday….
It was the first day that felt like spring….

We saw a bunny yesterday…..
a raccoon…..
and heard the birds……lot of birds singing………

And sweetie-pie ran around the backyard and
had fun chasing balls
and sniffing……

And then we sat…….
in our favorite spot…..
under the maple tree…..
…though it is still bare of leaves……

…sweetie-pie had a wonderful afternoon………

…sweetie-pie……and his favorite spot……


This is Boucle’s favorite spot.  Then eventually he changes sides of the sofa.

Part of his day is on the landing at the top of the stairs, waiting for me to finish work.

Another is sprawled in front of the patio windows….watching the squirrels…..

But in between….he always returns to this spot……..

A good vantage point for him to see what I am up to…..

…sweetie-pie – the last time we were at the beach….


…the last time sweetie-pie and I were at the beach was Boxing Day, December 26……

…it has been a very cold February…….

…we are on our way to breaking the all time temperature record for February……

…no beach outings in February……

…frigid today …..  another -24C night……

…I have been putting Boucle’s scarf hat on him to keep his ears warm when he goes out into the yard……

…plus his sweater and a jacket too……

…cabin fever is setting in…….