Favorite …welcome to Boucle’s new domain……….

Welcome to sweetie-pie’s new domain.  In the last few weeks I have been busy setting up a new self-hosted domain for my blog and for Boucle’s Blog.  Mine being http://janeanastasia.com and Boucle’s http://bouclethepoodle.janeanastasia.com/. There are still some refinements to make, but the main set up is done.

For those who have had email subscriptions, your subscription has followed you to this new domain.

For those on the wordpress.com reader/follow system, you will need to subscribe, and  then will  receive new sweetie-pie posts automatically into your email inbox.

Thank you for all your visits to Boucle and me.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Lots of warmth and licks,  Jane & Boucle

…waiting…….waiting for the beef…………

Boucle likes to hang around the kitchen when I am cooking and baking.  This morning I made fresh tea biscuits.

This afternoon, started a beef stock with fresh beef bones.  He can smell the beef even while it is still in the package.  There is no way he leaving his place without getting something.  This is him still in the kitchen, while those beef bones are starting to brown on the stove.  Waiting…..Waiting………

I keep telling him…not yet.  It will be four hours before the stock is done.

Still …waiting……

…oh sweetie-pie……….

…after our walk in the rain………

Sweetie-pie and I go for walks even when it is raining, as long as it is fairly warm.  It is raining all day today and we just got back from our walk.

Here is sweetie-pie in his ducky raincoat.  It has duckies on the inside, a hood that flops over his face too much, so I fold it back in half.  He stays pretty dry in this.  Though the rain does give bad hair…so his pouf and tail will get an extra brushing.

He loves these walks in the rain.  Everything smells so much more interesting that he does even more sniffing than usual.  And I try to keep him going…because it it raining!
