
Boucle thinks the squirrel doesn't stand a chance against his speed.....

Boucle thinks the squirrel doesn’t stand a chance against his speed…..

.....almost have him.........

…..almost have him………

...one last leap and..........

…one last leap and……….

...just missed him!......

…just missed him!……

He's gone!.........That was fun. :)

He’s gone!………That was fun. 🙂

….just as satisfying even if he doesn’t catch the squirrel………
…today at lunch hour……..

…Beautiful Boucle…..

…loving the beach……..


…sweetie-pie had a fabulous morning….
…it started hours earlier on the other side of the beach……
…then a picnic in the shade under some trees……
…and then over to this beach…….
…sweetie-pie was a very happy poodle……..

…and by the time he got home……..
… a tuckered out one too…….

…at the neighborhood fair……..

_JAS7501-WEB-Boucle-at-Mardi-Gras _JAS7490-WEB-Boucle-at-Mardi-Gras

…sweetie-pie hasn’t been around much because he has been out and about enjoying the summer……
…here he is at the local fair from just over a week ago…..
…he loves all the action, the noise and the hustle and bustle………

…Beautiful Boucle……….

…a goose chase………satisfaction……..


The goose just barely made it into the water.


The goose is safe now….

Complete satisfaction....!

Complete satisfaction….!

Boucle and I were at the lake this morning…..
….he saw a goose that was on his own and close to the water –  and decided to give chase….
….Oh what fun he had……

…complete satisfaction…