…what are you up to sweet Boucle?……..

_JAS2439-WEB-Boucle-look _JAS2445-WEB-Boucle-getting-toy _JAS2460-WEB-Boucle-pulling-toy

….he just wants to play……..
…when he takes them down from his toy basket…….he pulls ever so gently……
…flops it to the floor…….
…looks at me…..wanting to play….
…and then picks it up and shakes it like crazy……..


….total satisfaction………sweetie-pie…….

...getting started with the rawhide.......

…getting started with the rawhide…….

...full chomping action......do not disturb.....

…full chomping action……do not disturb…..

....gosh that is good.....still some left........

….gosh that is good…..still some left……..

....all done.......total satisfaction.......

….all done…….total satisfaction…….

…sweetie-pie enjoying yesterday’s rawhide……

…..yummmm…………    🙂