The weather outside has turned frightful! And sweetie-pie does not find it delightful……
As it means more indoor time than outdoor time……..
Sweetie-pie making the best of it…..
…what an incredible autumn afternoon!….
…sweetie-pie spent much of it outside in the front yard, as I completed fall garden chores and washed the windows…….
…he just loved it……seeing all the goings on, meeting all the dogs walking by…….and he especially loves meeting the people……he is a love bug……
…beautiful Boucle……….
This makes me so happy. Happy because Boucle is happy….
and happy that the day was so beautiful, so fine that sweetie-pie had a water bowl out on the deck. Come cold autumn days……it gets put away until the spring………
But today!… was a beautiful day……a day for the outside bowl of sweetie-pie water…….
After it rains, and if it is warm….every smell becomes an intoxicating aroma for Boucle…….he must sniff…and sniff…and sniff…..
The scents are everywhere….but 10 fold …..
…and it must smell like a hundred squirrels roamed his yard……not just the usual five…..
….sweetie-pie………..this afternoon…..the ground was wet with rain…….