Category Archives: Poodles
…sweetie-pie in front of pink flowers at the lake yesterday morning……..
Even when walking back towards me…
the smells are irresistible…..
…at the beach….
…Saturday morning…
…this is as close as Boucle will go…
… because he doesn’t like getting his feet wet……..
….he is so so good….
….I ask him to sit….
…and because I have the camera he knows exactly why…..
…because I will point the big black thing at him…..
….and he will pose beautifully….
….such a good dog… 🙂
Sweetie-pie at the lake this very early morning.
Our first visit this year to this beach…..one of our favorites…..
….sweetie-pie enjoying the Toronto skyline……..
….sweetie-pie yesterday afternoon…..enjoying the spring grass………
….sweetie-pie walking ahead at the Lake yesterday afternoon……..
…Boucle happiness….
…beautiful Boucle…….