……longing to go out……..

I took out my camera this afternoon and started setting up for a picture.  Boucle thought it must be play time, and time to go out.  He was looking at the backyard longingly, just waiting for the door to open.

But today, it is 35C and far too hot for my sweetie-pie to romp around outside.  So inside he stays.  Maybe later, once it has cooled off a bit. 🙂


….ohhhh happy dog………Boucle on the beach………

One of the most favorite places for Boucle to be is the beach, by the Lake.  He just loves it.  When I get my backpack together, he knows he is going to the beach and starts to do the Boucle dance.  One happy dog.

Here he is this morning….happy as can be……..  🙂

…sniffing everything on the beach……..
that is a swan family in the background, drifting by………

…sweetie-pie wants to go back to the beach…….

…..maybe tomorrow morning again  🙂